Sound level measurements serve as objective evidence of noise pollution or disturbance of rest. No matter which noise sources cause the disturbance, there are guideline values that specify how much noise can be made by whom or what, when and where.
Regulations for immission guidelines can be found, for example, in the Noise Protection Ordinance in the Federal Immission Control Act and the Technical Instructions for Protection against Noise (Lärmschutzverordnung im Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz bzw. der Technischen Anleitung zum Schutz gegen Lärm; kurz TA-Lärm). A distinction is made between the following areas and corresponding immission guidelines for assessment levels (noise levels) are given:
- industrial areas
- core areas, village areas and mixed areas
- residential areas and small settlement areas
- spas, hospitals and nursing homes
In addition to this, there are also guidelines for equipment and machine noise, which not only, as the name incorrectly suggests, industry and trade have to adhere to, but also the private individual. Since noise pollution can cause health problems, violations of the relevant requirements can also be an administrative offense, which has been explicitly included in the Administrative Offenses Act. As such it says there:
“Anyone who makes noise without just cause or to an extent that is inadmissible or to the extent avoidable under the circumstances is likely to act in an unlawful manner, who is likely to significantly annoy the general public or the neighborhood or to harm the health of others.”
The expert office Holzmann-Bauberatung® carries out sound level measurements of classes 1 and 2 and creates detailed reports for the respective measurements. In principle, measurements can be carried out at any time of the day or night (timely termination necessary). When measuring neighborhood noise, we also have the option of designing microphones that are easy to hide.
For example, we offer sound level measurements that measure, for example, disturbances in the following situations:
- machine and system noise from neighboring industrial or commercial operations
- general disturbances in the neighborhood (dog barking, party noise, loud music etc.)
- traffic noise (air traffic, road traffic, etc.)
The costs for sound level measurements from the Holzmann-Bauberatung® expert office depend on the type of measurement, the necessary examination time and the desired type of evaluation or an equally possible expert opinion. As independent construction experts, we testify to the noise conditions from a neutral position in the noise reports and confirm this in writing.